You don’t know what you don’t know, until you know it

As per one saying “You don’t know what you don’t know, until you know it”
Changes are crucial for raising new ideas, new and positive thinking creates positive society. Old and new generation people differ in moral values, their opinion, cultural values, practical knowledge, lifestyle, economics, ideology and social environment. We can say that our progress and ability to think changed due to change in generations. .

Below are the examples of how old generation used to deal with 9 skills of 21st century back then.
1. Communication :
• old people when they felt tired and exhausted they used to walk around mountain, forests, they played with tree branch, animal , natural things, sometimes under the rain or sun. with friends and siblings, meet at playground. They saw true friendship and lived true love. That generation kept away from stress and melancholy.
• Parents shouldn’t provide everything to children. Today, children are playing with laptops, PlayStation, meet at battlegrounds (PUBG). Children also learn to depend more on the internet and their “devices”, rather than on people or their own bodies.
• Most of the friends were of same gender. Now Keeping multiple friends in the opposite gender. It’s common to casually touch friends of any gender. Diluting the boundaries of safety and human pleasure
• New generation lacks time for loved ones. At present generation there is no true love and no sacrifice Now-a -days love is selfish and short term.
• Each person’s communication is becoming copycat and mechanical rather than being own unique thought or empathetic.

2. Collaboration
• Childhood games meant playing outdoor in groups or some board games. Learning collaboration & negotiations easily back then. In today’s world, games mostly mean either on the tab or a sport clubs.
• Back then nobody used to spoon feed them and all the time they were made to understand that life does not owe them anything so they themselves were alert and engrossed in getting on right track soon. New generation feels like they are authorized on everything and can easily give up from doing something if it requires some extra effort or concentration, primed to always expect things to be done for them and it is truly affecting on how to go about in day-to-day activities.
• In earlier times people often lived in a joint family, loyalty to your family spending time with family siblings and relatives was most opted happiness it’s not the money or fame but the relationships that we built that matters This teaches us to be contained and keeps healthy mental state of mind
• nowadays people prefer to be away from their parent to live freely so no one will be able to interfere in their life. Not regarding parents care in difficult, complicated ways. As today’s generation, have failed to learn the importance of family they just need grabbing the wealth and properties of the elders.

3. Critical thinking
• The advancement of every field and approach to thinking would have been limited by the mindset of past generations. At present no one is ready to follow family member’s thoughts. But in past everyone would consult their family or friends or relatives. if we are travelling upon our own thoughts, we cannot do or win or succeed easily in anything in our life because our thoughts are very new. And if we consider others opinions then we will succeed in life faster. Because we are travelling on others many experience and views.
• The older generation lived their life simply to save enough to buy a house and then invest some with a smile Newer generation spend their salaries on experiences and travelling ten folds from parents’ time, rather than assets. Not prepared enough to face calamities.

4. Creativity and imagination
• From dressing style, hairstyle and shoes, both for men and women varying from the older generation. there was simplicity and people used to wear traditional dress and ornaments they were still descent and smart as they used to craft for themselves. Today’s people are lost in the world of similar decoration.
• Now we don’t want to set the standards for success that is difficult Being rewarded for nothing significant. (Participation trophies) They can’t accept failure
• kids lead a more comfortable life these days, losing temper for non-significant things. Thanks to Amazon and Netflix they don’t have to practice patience.

5. Problem-solving
• In the lifestyle that one leads, children understood many problem solving tricks by following some rules or being in some restrictions.
• As a way of discipline, the children were given punishments by their parents on any mistake made, there were consequences and this made the child to be more vigilant and careful next time before trying another stupid thing but our generation parents are becoming more relaxed when disciplining their child and that has led to the child becoming rebellious and having trouble in following some simple rules and regulations given by their parent.
• Earlier people used to talk about happiness and sorrow and tricks with their friends and family. But today’s generation is fonder of parties, picnics
• the older generation still prefers the art of going to the mandi/vegetable vendor every week, in the heat, to sort and pick their favorite vegetables practicing analysis.
• Completely innocent of politics. The young are more globalized and sometimes even more aware of the world than local problems. it expanded the perspective of the worldview. It allowed us to grasp the complexities of the world more deeply than those who came before us.
Sometimes understand, accept or learn things in a harder way.

6. Analytical thinking
• Kids are more demanding and specific in their likes and dislikes these days? Kids are lonelier in today’s world. Depression is real even in kids. They do not go through the struggles which kids had to face before. Not knowing the difference of need and wants, creating a pressure on parents to struggle for things
• Millennials are college-educated than any generation prior they do not feel motivated to find jobs, as few are available. Sometimes expect society to provide for them. Used to seeing other members provide them what they want, that makes them feel disturbed when things don’t turn up later when such people are out of their life.
• Earlier meeting people, getting involved in festivals and functions and each other’s life was practiced regularly. That gave a break from problems of the personal life and many times solutions were also found randomly or collectively and automatically. Mental illness was far from life. Earlier people did not believe on admitting mental illness.

7. Ethics, action, accountability
• Most pursued conventional ideals, and embrace traditional values because their world was so much smaller, they weren’t talking with people all over the world with internet. That shapes the perspective, and the choices in life. We get influenced Simply Mimicking the life and perspective of others without comparing situation.
• Expectations of a certain level of success and measure of success became something tangible. Feels of success became a matter of financial responsibility and negotiating peace of mind.
• Merit based achievement gives more importance to academics rather than skills and abilities. sadly. Present generation doesn’t have “Ethics and Moral Values as Older generation

8. Leadership
• The older generation had nothing to do with the media because they only experienced real life happenings with no computer, television or phones back then The art of memorizing phone numbers and the level of patience when our folks would wait for an entire week to figure out the climax of their favourite never-ending TV soaps compared to becoming tech savvy, dependent on media for entertainment, not practicing true skills and abilities, serves difficulty to this generation to live on their own without gadgets.
• Place great emphasis on a company’s values and purpose when seeking employment, many times results in delayed response for responsibility and making one choosy.
9. Global and cultural awareness
• Today’s kids are not restricted to only their family’s views but also of other people all over the world, who they don’t even know. They are often suspicious and not fully trusting as they learn reality is harsh from the internet. So sometimes end up in analysis paralysis.
• Due to time constrains many parents show their favourite cartoon to children on tab while eating. Children Not knowing the importance of nurturing mind and body
• From art to music, cultural beliefs and customs, our generation has changed rapidly. People were worried about what others may think or say now they don’t care much of that and do what they like. Sometimes this increases the trial and error time and many times we reinvent the wheel unknowingly.

There is so much possibilities, and thus it is truly up to us to decide just how and what we really want to do

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